电子邮件: [email protected]
电话: (650) 713-9096
Aaron Belcher 是公司法及兼并收购领域的著名律师,曾经为高科技和生物医药行业的多宗重大交易提供法律服务。
Aaron的业务范围包括境内和跨境收购、投资、资产收购、证券和公司治理。Aaron 尤其擅长涉及多辖区的复杂跨境收购和合资经营。
在加入BSV之前,Aaron在Dewey & LeBoeuf的纽约和帕拉奥图办公室执业多年,为高科技和生物医药客户提供公司法和兼并收购的法律服务。

has merged with

Aaron represented Athelas in this $6 billion merger.

has acquired

Aaron represented Mode Analytics in this $200 million transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Nestybox in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Genie in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Airmap in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Indivio in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Threadloom in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented 2ndKitchen in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Ricepo in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Kidaptive in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Mesh7 in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Core Wellness in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Steady Health in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Hyphen in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Entreda in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Sano in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Assist in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Arcadia Data in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Spanugo in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Cipher Browser in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Launchmetrics in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Pantry in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented MustBin in this transaction.

has merged with

Aaron represented Iodine in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Faraday Bikes in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Foxit Software in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Kinsights in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented 4Soils in this transaction.

Aaron has represented an undisclosed party in a corporate transaction involving Dropbox.

has acquired

Aaron represented Talkatone in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Sessions in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Gen110 in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented AVG in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented AVG in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented FastPencil in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Dell in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Dell in this transaction.

Aaron has represented Applied Materials in connection with corporate and M&A matters.

Aaron has represented Opera Software in connection with corporate and M&A matters.

Aaron has represented Riverbed in connection with corporate and M&A matters.

Aaron has represented Salesforce in connection with corporate and M&A matters.

has acquired

Aaron represented eBay in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented eBay in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Synopsis in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Alibaba.com in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Zynga in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Zynga in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Dell in this transaction.

has been acquired for $1 billion by

Aaron represented Dell in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented PayPal in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented PayPal in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Adobe in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Dell in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Oracle in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Varian Medical Systems in this transaction.

has successfully defended Roche’s $6.4 billion hostile pursuit

Aaron represented Illumina in this transaction.

has been acquired for $2 billion by

Aaron represented Oracle in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented StubHub in this transaction.

has merged with

Aaron represented Oclaro in this transaction.

has been acquired for $300 million by

Aaron represented Merz Pharma Group in this transaction.

has acquired

Aaron represented Sonata Software in this transaction.